I found a flock of 12-13 dowitchers about an hour ago on James Snow Pkwy in 
Milton. The birds were located in a flooded field on the east side of the road, 
about a half kilometre north of Britannia. Park at the car pull-off area (you 
can't miss it) and look east over the edge of the concrete barrier to flooded 
field below you.

Using binoculars, I initially ID'd them as short-billed. However after viewing 
the birds through my scope, I was able to see that several of the birds showed 
scapular feathers with white tips. 

Consequently, my initial knee-jerk ID appears to have been incorrect as scope 
views of these birds looked good for long-billed dowitchers.

Roughly half of the dowitcher flock flew NW with a number of shorebirds shortly 
after I arrived, but there were still 7 birds there, along with a handful of 
greater and lesser yellowlegs, when I left. iPhone digiscoped photos were 

David Pryor

Sent from my iPhone
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