Saw an unusual yellow-rump with a yellow throat. Checked it out with another 
birder who called it an Audubon's but when I returned it had flown. Please keep 
an eye out in the European spruces just south of the Jean Tweed House. 
Definitely not magnolia. Wish I was a photographer.

Also...Possible yellow-throated warbler just south of Jean Tweed House along 
eastern fence in maples. Did not get a long look but familiar with this bird 
from southern U.S. - Georgia, and the throat colour is very distinctive. Female 
blackburnian has a similar yellow but not the marked black patterning on the 
head that was seen.

ALSO: E. Bluebird, Orchard Oriole, Scarlet Tanager, BH Vireo, Hermit thrush, 
Linc. sparrow

Warblers: Blue-winged, Nash.,parula, yellow, chestnut-s., Cape May, black-thr. 
blue and green, yellow-rump, blackburnian, redstart, ovenbird, N. waterthrush. 
Most found north-east of "bowl" along Lakeshore. Blue-winged in little bowl on 
eastern edge of park.

Marc Lichtenberg

Sam Smith Park is located at the foot of Kipling Av. in Toronto.

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