Hey birders.  Well, after almost a full year of having the Great Gray Owl as my 
nemesis Big Year bird I finally nailed it while birding in Algonquin Park this 
evening.  My dad and I came across a bird hunting from small spruces on hwy. 60 
directly across the corner from the Opeongo Rd. entrance.  It was on our way 
out of Opeongo Rd. this evening at about 4p.m. that I noticed it while turning 
west (right).  We were able to view the bird for about 20 min. and eventually 
saw it fly down and pounce on a prey in the snow - wings and tail out, body 
buried, and head up and looking around as if it didn't know what to do next!  I 
was only in the park from 1:30 p.m. onwards and this was the only owl we saw. 
If readers are wondering why I never went to see the Essex Co. bird last 
winter, it is because both I and a few others had suspicions that it may not 
have been a 'natural occurance'.  There was no obvious incursion southward of 
that species last year, in fact it was a horrible winter for them and I can 
barely think of another single record south of there breeding grounds. It 
appears as though there are perhaps as many as 4 birds along the hwy. 60 
corridor at the moment, with sightings at ~km. 20 a few days back, a pair at 
km. 38 yesterday, and our bird at approx. km. 45 (I believe?) this evening. 
Directions:  All birds have been viewed right from the hwy. corridor. ***Please 
note Visitor Centre is not open on weekdays Other birds noted: Red Crossbill - 
3 birds (1 ad. male) feeding on roadside and then flew off towards Bat Lake 
trail parking lot Pine Grosbeak - 3 birds around km. 36 Ruffed Grouse - 3 birds 
feeding very high in maples on the north side of hwy. 60 west of Smoke Lake - 
at least 1 bird was a nice rufus and gray intermediate morph.                   
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
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