Holiday Beach Conservation Area
Amherstburg, Ontario, Canada
Daily Raptor Counts: Oct 22, 2014

Species            Day's Count    Month Total   Season Total
------------------ ----------- -------------- --------------
Turkey Vulture            7976          38830          41035
Osprey                       0             19             53
Bald Eagle                  10             77            214
Northern Harrier             8            120            348
Sharp-shinned Hawk         354           2522           7056
Cooper's Hawk               10             93            244
Northern Goshawk             2              2              2
Red-shouldered Hawk         77            123            162
Broad-winged Hawk            0             29          36335
Red-tailed Hawk            190            600            855
Rough-legged Hawk            0              1              1
Golden Eagle                 1              2              7
American Kestrel            10            302           1008
Merlin                       0             14             61
Peregrine Falcon             0             24             42
Unknown Accipiter            1              4             19
Unknown Buteo               44             71             98
Unknown Eagle                0              1              1
Unknown Falcon               0              4              5
Unknown Raptor               0             15             38
Swainson's Hawk              0              0              1

Total:                    8683          42853          87585

Observation start time: 07:00:00 
Observation end   time: 17:15:00 
Total observation time: 10.25 hours

Official Counter:        Jenna McDermott

Observers:        Jim McCoy

We had 9 visitors again today, some of them frequent visitors, a few from
Michigan that have come since the count began, and a few newcomers. Thanks
to everyone for the extra eyes on the sky and a special thanks to Jim McCoy
for very generously counting crows all day long.

A cool morning with full cloud and winds up to 19km/h. As the day sped by,
the cloud cover broke up, temperatures rose to 13C and the wind calmed down
a bit (9km/h), making it very pleasant. Winds came from the N and NNE all

Raptor Observations:
What a grand day! We had a lot of excitement on the tower with Turkey
Vultures streaming overhead from 7am until 5pm (bird time), sometimes so
high that the buteos mixed in were mere specks in the sky. Mixed among the
vultures were almost 200 Red-tailed Hawks, over 350 Sharp-shinned Hawks and
77 Red-shouldered Hawks, some giving great views with the sunlight peeking
through the wings. Four adult Bald Eagles migrating together and playing
around a little bit on the way were a wonderful break from the sometimes
monotonous Turkey Vultures. We had two close looks at a juvenile Northern
Goshawk, one flying quickly towards the plastic owl on the tower and the
next being brought to the tower after banding for release! The icing on the
cake was a Golden Eagle (imm.) at 3:50 (bird time) that popped up right in
the middle of a stream of vultures off the lake. Surprise!

Non-raptor Observations:
There was a huge movement of American Crows today with 25360! Coming along
all in the same stream at times were Blue Jays, European Starlings and over
3000 Red-winged Blackbirds. Late in the afternoon we heard the soothing
call of a Common Loon from the lake and just about closing time, a large
flock of 67 American Robins flew overhead, bringing their total today up to
90. See today's eBird list, only one corner of the marsh was scanned for
waterfowl, but they were present in much the usual amount

Winds from the NW all day tomorrow and blue skies, so come early to see the
raptors before they get too high! There should be a nice mix again like
Report submitted by Jenna McDermott (
Holiday Beach Conservation Area information may be found at:

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