Hamilton Naturalists' Club (HNC) weekly bird sightings report, Friday,
November 15, 2019


Cackling Goose
Tundra Swan
Wood Duck
Ring-necked Duck
King Eider
Hooded Merganser
Ruddy Duck
Pied-billed Grebe
Horned Grebe
Red-necked Grebe
Sandhill Crane
American Woodcock
Spotted Sandpiper
Iceland Gull
Lesser Black-backed Gull
Glaucous Gull
Red-throated Loon
Common Loon
Black-crowned Night-Heron
Turkey Vulture
Golden Eagle
Northern Harrier
Bald Eagle
Red-shouldered Hawk
Peregrine Falcon
Eastern Phoebe
Horned Lark
Ruby-crowned Kinglet
Eastern Bluebird
Hermit Thrush
American Pipit
Lapland Longspur
Snow Bunting
Chipping Sparrow
Vesper Sparrow
Eastern Meadowlark
Nashville Warbler
Yellow-rumped Warbler

The highlights from this week include a few rarities found in earlier weeks
hanging on and a few very late dates for species normally long gone by
mid-November.  The weather turned nasty this week with a major winter storm
on Nov 11 dumping lots of snow and bringing frigid temperatures.  The
WESTERN KINGBIRD found on Nov 3 at Canal Park and the Urquhart Butterfly
Garden next to the Desjardins Canal in Dundas was being seen regularly until
Nov 11 before the storm hit.  Checks for it the next 2 days turned up empty
and it was feared to have expired, but miraculously it was refound on Nov 14
huddling close to the water's edge of the Canal, where it was seen again
today.  Other birds found at the Desjardins Canal include a lingering GREEN
HERON seen up to today, now providing the second latest date for the
Hamiilton Study Area (HSA).  This bird seems to have an injured wing so it's
not likely to be able to leave.  In the Canal and the West Pond east of
Olympic Drive, a juvenile Black-crowned Night-Heron remains along with 2
Wood Ducks and at least 155 Hooded Mergansers on Nov 14, while a
Yellow-rumped Warbler was at the nearby Dundas Sewage Treatment Plant.

At Sedgewick Park in Oakville, the WHITE-EYED VIREO continues to be seen
near the sewage treatment plant tanks including today.  Also found here were
a very late immature female YELLOW WARBLER on Nov 14, Nashville Warbler Nov
13-14, several Yellow-rumped Warblers, an Eastern Phoebe, Hermit Thrush, and
Ruby-crowned Kinglets.

On Nov 12, after the storm subsided and winds turned NW, a large migration
of Sandhill Cranes was witnessed through the area with a total of 585
counted from Woodland Cemetery and afterwards another 250 counted from Gate
of Heaven Cemetery in Aldershot, providing a record high one day count for
the HSA.  Sandhill Cranes were also noted migrating over Mississauga and
Brantford.  Migrating raptors were also counted from some of these sites and
in south Burlington, with numbers of Red-tailed Hawks, some Turkey Vultures,
2 juvenile Golden Eagles over Burlington, and single Red-shouldered Hawk,
Merlin and Northern Harrier.  Small flocks of Eastern Bluebird and Snow
Bunting and a single Killdeer were also tallied over Woodland Cemetery,
while 3 Cackling Geese in a flock of Canadas were noted over Gate of Heaven

Along the lakeshore, amongst the large numbers of diving ducks off Stoney
Creek a male BARROW'S GOLDENEYE was again found off Grays Rd on Nov 13, seen
again today off Confederation Park.  An immature male King Eider, originally
seen at Bronte last week was found at the lake end of the Burlington Ship
Canal on Nov 9 continuing to Nov 14.  Small numbers of Common Loon,
Red-throated Loon, Horned Grebe and Red-necked Grebe were here, along the
Stoney Creek Lakeshore and the north shore of Hamilton Harbour.  Two
Pied-billed Grebes were on the harbour off the south side of Bayfront Park
today.  Six Tundra Swans were seen at LaSalle Marina and some were heard
going over Dundas today.  Large numbers of diving ducks are now along the
west end and north shore of Hamilton Harbour including numbers of
Canvasbacks, Ring-necked Ducks and Ruddy Ducks off LaSalle Marina.

A record late for the HSA immature male SCARLET TANAGER was found at the
north end of Fruitland Rd at the lake in Stoney Creek on Nov 13 and seen up
to today.  It was rather tame and was feeding on the plentiful wild grape
and other berries along the fence on the west side of the lookout.  Note
that construction is underway at the site so access may be somewhat limited
at times.

On Nov 12 a late Sanderling was found along the shore at South Shell Park in
Bronte along with 7 American Pipits, and a Nashville Warbler was found at
Burloak Waterfront Park.  American Pipits have also been found the past
couple days at LaSalle Marina, Bronte Harbour, the West Harbour Waterfront
Trail and Bayfront Park, and along the Spencer Creek Trail in Dundas.  An
Eastern Phoebe has been present the past few days at the Desjardins Canal
under the High Level Bridge.

A Lesser Black-backed Gull was on the ice edge at Cootes Paradise near the
Fishway on Nov 13.  At the Lorne Bridge over the Grand River in Brantford a
pair of adult Peregrine Falcons have been hanging around since Nov 12.  A
first year Iceland Gull was there Nov 13 and a second winter bird there Nov
14, along with 3 Lesser Black-backed Gulls that day.  An adult Glaucous Gull
flew over Stoney Creek on Nov 14.  Birds found on Nov 12 on Paris Plains
Church Rd SW of Glen Morris included 1 Eastern Meadowlark, 30 Horned Larks,
20 Snow Buntings, 1 Lapland Longspur, 5 Bald Eagles and 1 Northern Harrier,
while the nearby Spottiswood Lake held 19 Wood Ducks, 1 Northern Pintail, 1
Pied-billed Grebe, 9 Sandhill Cranes and 1 Rough-legged Hawk nearby.  A
flock of about 75-100 Snow Buntings were in a field at the NW corner of
Miles Rd and Airport Rd on Nov 14.  Numbers of Horned Larks are being found
along Fallsview Rd above Dundas with 50 there today.  Chipping Sparrows have
been coming into feeders in Stoney Creek and Dundas.  A late American
Woodcock was flushed at the Dofasco Trail near 10th Rd E in Saltfleet on Nov
10, as well as a Vesper Sparrow being seen there.  Also late was a Spotted
Sandpiper at Valley Inn on Nov 10.

That's the news for this week,

Rob Dobos, Hamilton Naturalists' Club.

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