Hi everyone,

The 12th annual Linwood CBC was held yesterday, December 29th. Weather was
cold (ranging from -20 to -10), with calm conditions, and off/on snow in
the morning, before completely clearing in the afternoon.

A total of 33 participants gave the count slightly above average coverage,
and likely reflects the day’s total of 54 species (average is 51.5
species). Total number of individuals was slightly below average, with
11,759 individuals recorded (average is 12,558).

Two new species were recorded, bringing the cumulative species list to 93:

Wood Duck – 1 female along the Conestoga River at Wellington County Road 12

Carolina Wren – 1 bird in Glen Allan

Several unusual species were present: 1 Northern Flicker (2nd record), 1
Lapland Longspur (4th record)

The Linwood count circle is known for its high raptor numbers:

Bald Eagle - 7

Sharp-shinned Hawk – 2 (ave. 3)

Cooper's Hawk – 11 (HC, ave. 5)

Red-tailed Hawk - 112 (ave. 85)

Rough-legged Hawk - 100 (ave. 95)

Eastern Screech-Owl – 25 (ave. 11)

Great Horned Owl - 4

Snowy Owl - 35 (HC)

Short-eared Owl – 2 (HC, 3rd record)

American Kestrel – 3 (low)

High counts: Mallard – 993 (previous high: 829), Cooper’s Hawk – 11 (8),
Snowy Owl – 35 (25), Red-bellied Woodpecker – 24 (18), Golden-crowned
Kinglet – 44 (35), Song Sparrow – 6 (3), Dark-eyed Junco – 406 (328).

Low counts: Canada Goose – 43 (previous low: 59)

Notable misses: Northern Harrier (not too surprising given the preceding
cold weather), Merlin, and Cedar Waxwing

Many thanks to all the participants and especially to my parents for
hosting the wrap-up dinner.

Link to the map showing the count circle:


Linwood is located northwest of Waterloo. If you have any questions, please
email me privately.

Ken Burrell
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists (OFO) - the 
provincial birding organization.
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