The combined total list for the day was a very respectable 51 species recorded 
by about 30 participants and four leaders. Unfortunately, the heavy rainfall 
and melting of snow and ice during the two days preceding this trip had a major 
impact on where we were able to search for the target species. However, 
Saturday’s weather was actually better than the forecast, with no rain until 
late afternoon. That was a real bonus.


The return section of the Bat Lake Trail between Highway 60 and Bat Lake was 
our main planned location for all four boreal residents, but the trail was 
inaccessible for the group due to flooding of the creek and ice on the short 
boardwalk over it. We did find a single Canada Jay on Opeongo Road later, but 
no Spruce Grouse, Black-backed Woodpecker or Boreal Chickadee this year. Five 
finch species were tallied, including a late Pine Grosbeak, a White-winged 
Crossbill and several Common Redpolls. The Visitor Centre produced good views 
of Chipping Sparrow, Fox Sparrow and Rusty Blackbird.


Many photos were taken of a beaver lodge that was largely submerged by flood 
waters of Costello Creek along Opeongo Road. A female Canada Goose had built a 
nest on top of the lodge and was incubating eggs. Just inches away from her on 
top of the lodge was a family of five beavers (two adults and three young) that 
obviously had been flooded out of the lodge. The beavers appeared to be 
sleeping and the goose ignored their presence. 


I would like to thank everybody that attended this 30th annual Algonquin Park 
trip for your assistance and understanding when target birds are hard to find 
and the conditions are challenging. The logistical and bird-finding 
contributions of Kevin Clute, Dawn Sherman and Laura Tozer were much 


Good birding.


Ron Tozer

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provincial birding organization.
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