Ottawa Field Naturalists' Club
Ottawa/Gatineau (50 Km radius from Parliament Hill) E. Ontario, W. Quebec
Compiler:  Gregory Zbitnew at

February 14, 2019

The highlight this week was probably 6 GRAY PARTRIDGE seen on Robert Grant
AND Abbot on the 11th and on Hazeldean Road on the 12th, but they are quite

Generally birding was very slow, and the major snow blast on the 12-13th
did not help one iota. Some of the long-lingering species may have
perished, although somewhat surprising the GREAT BLUE HERON on Maritime Way
was seen again on the 13th after an absence of nearly 2 weeks.

Most of the lingering DUCKS are still lingering. The latest reports are as

1.      RING-NECKED DUCK and LESSER SCAUP in Carleton place on the 9-11th.

2.      LONG-TAILED DUCK seen from Britannia on the 10th.

3.      2 WOOD DUCKS still at Billings Bridge,

4.      NORTHERN PINTAIL at Billings Bridge on the 14th.

5.      A GADWALL on Pinecrest creek on the 14th.

6.      An AMERICAN WIGEON at Britannia on the 8th

7.      BARROWS GOLDENEYE seen from Bate Island on the 9th.

The RED-BELLIED WOODPECKER continues at Hilda Road as of the 14th, as is
the NORTHERN FLICKER at Chapman Mills on the 12th.

3 GOLDEN EAGLES were on the Eardley Masham Road on the 10th.   2 NORTHERN
GOSHAWKS were on Belvedere Road on the 11th, and one was still thereon the

There are flocks of up to 50 BOHEMIAN WAXWINGS widely scattered in the
area. The most reliable spot has been the area around the Hilda road
feeders. A single CEDAR WAXWING was there on the 11th.

A CAROLINA WREN continues to make periodic visits to a feeder in Navan.

Although you would never know it from the landscape, there are only 2 weeks
left in the birding winter. For those who are still looking for WINTER
FINCHES, There are small to modest groups of COMMON REDPOLLS all over, with
single HOARY REDPOLLS among them. The Hilda Road feeder has recently been
the best public place to find HOARY REDPOLL.  EVENING GROSBEAKS are
scattered here and there, with a few larger flocks outside the city. The
Dewberry Trail feeder has about 5-10. PINE GROSBEAKS have scattered
reports. The Fletcher Wildlife Garden/ Arboretum is still hosting about 10.

Thanks to everyone who contributed bird observations. We encourage everyone
to report their bird sightings on eBird for the benefit of the entire
birding community.

Good birding.
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