Ottawa Field Naturalists' Club
Ottawa/Gatineau (50 Km radius from Parliament Hill) E. Ontario, W. Quebec
Compiler:  Gregory Zbitnew at

May 16, 2019

The bird of the week was a RED-HEADED WOODPECKER, seen in Blossom Park on
the 9-11th. Probably equally good but unnoticed was a EURASIAN WIGEON at
Baie Noire on the 12th-seen from the rest stop on Route 148. Also good was
a BLUE-GRAY GNATCATCHER at the Old Quarry Trail on the 11th.

Other than that, cool, often rainy, weather and unfavourable winds gave us
rather few migrants. It was very quiet for being near the peak of
migration. Perhaps next week will give us some action, but then that is
what we thought last week.  Still, at least some birds are coming in, and
about 15 species were new for the year.

WATERBIRDS, again, were not notable.  There were, however, 7 WHITE-WINGED
SCOTERS in the Deschenes Rapids on the 11th. 30 SNOW GEESE at the Giroux
Road Ponds on the 15th were getting late.

One of the better marsh areas now that the so many are flooded is the
Richmond Conservation area.  A number of SORA, a VIRGINIA RAIL, COMMON
GALLINULE and 3 MARSH WRENS were there on the 11th.

9 LEAST SANDPIPERS were at Holland’s Marsh near Kinburn on the 11th, while
on the 14th EMBRUN had 14 birds of 14 BIRDS of 4 species including PECTORAL
have been few SHOREBIRDS and little habitat, but we are 2 weeks from the

A LESSER BLACK-BACKED GULL was at the Moodie Drive ponds on the 11th. The
first LEAST BITTERN was at Stony Swamp on the 12th.

Both EASTERN WOOD-PEWEE (13th) and ALDER FLYCATCHER (9th) arrived this week
but these are isolated sightings so far.  The first EASTERN WHIP-POOR-WILL
was on Kettles Road on the 14th.

were new.

The CAROLINA WREN was still in Navan as of the 11th, and another was at the
Old Quarry trail on the 11th.

New arrivals among the WARBLERS were TENNESSEE, CAPE MAY (both at
Britannia), BLACKPOLL and MOURNING WARBLERS (both on the 15th at Foret
Chantegrive in the Plateau area of Gatineau).  A GOLDEN-WINGED WARBLER was
at the Nepean Tent and Trailer Park on the 13th.  Now 23 of the 25 regular
WARBLERS have arrived, and most of nesting species are on territory, but
most days have been sparse of migrants. NORTHERN PARULA seemed particularly
widespread in the non-nesting areas.

Finally, a few winter birds continue to linger. A  BOHEMIAN WAXWING was in
Gatineau Park-Trail 5 on the 11th,  a COMMON REDPOLLS at a feeder in Kanata
on the 15th, a few lingering EVENING GROSBEAKS were west of Stittsville (at
a feeder) and on Dolman Ridge Road as of the 15th, and AMERICAN TREE
SPARROWS were still around as of the 15th.

*Reminders concerning flooding:*

*Due to flooding, DND has removed access to **the Shirley’s Bay Causeway**
until it is safe again. Updates will be announced when they are available. *

*There is still limited access to Britannia. *

Thanks to everyone who contributed bird observations. We encourage everyone
to report their bird sightings on eBird for the benefit of the entire
birding community.

Good birding.
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provincial birding organization.
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