Ottawa Field Naturalists' Club
Ottawa/Gatineau (50 Km radius from Parliament Hill) E. Ontario, W. Quebec
Compiler:  Gregory Zbitnew at

March 21, 2019

The highlight(s) of the week were some actual signs of spring with some
migration and firsts of the year (FOY).

There was a significant thaw on the 14-15th and again on the 20-21st, but
the first was followed by cold, and the second looks to be followed by snow
and more cold, so don’t get your hopes up. So far we have only had a
trickle of the very earliest migrants, but at least the variety was

FOY include the following, although for most of them there have been very
few sightings.

1.      KILLDEER in Elmvale Acres on the 14th.

2.      75 SNOW GEESE near Morewood on the 20th.

3.      2 CACKLING GEESE near Fallowfield on the 17th.

4.      RED-BREASTED MERGANSER at Deschênes on the 20th.

5.      PIED-BILLED GREBE in Appleton and the Deschênes Rapids on the 15th.

6.      EASTERN MEADOWLARK on Brownlee Road and near Munster on the 20th.

7.      2 ICELAND GULLS near Stittsville on the 15th.

8.      COMMON GRACKLE in Beacon Hill on the 15th.

9.      TURKEY VULTURE in Barrhaven on the 14th.

10.  3 RED-SHOULDERED HAWKS at the Greenland Road Hawkwatch on the 20th and
another was near Almonte on the 20th.

A few species have become fairly widespread in the last week. Most notable
are the RING-BILLED GULLS, which are being seen at fast food restaurants
all over the city. AMERICAN ROBINS and RED-WINGED BLACKBIRDS are two others
being seen in many places.

CANADA GEESE are not everywhere yet in numbers, but over 1100 were seen in
Appleton on the 20th.  LONG-TAILED DUCK at Deschênes on the 15th and the
(female) BARROW’S GOLDENEYE still at Britannia as of the 20th were somewhat
noteworthy.  The RED-NECKED GREBE is still in Appleton as of the 20th.

The Greenland Road Hawkwatch is up and running. On the 15th there was not
much but on the 19th there was a GOLDEN EAGLE.  The 20th was good too, but
we need more sunny days with winds from the south!

Other notable sightings included:

1.      A CAROLINA WREN was in Cumberland on the 17th.

2.      Now 4 GRAY PARTRIDGE were on Hazeldean Road on the 20th.

3.      A RED-BELLIED WOODPECKER was in the Kitchissippi woods on the 21st,
and one in Munster on the 19th.

4.      BELTED KINGFISHER was on Maritime Way on the 20th.

5.      RED CROSSBILL was at Ferme Moore on the 16th.

6.      A HOARY REDPOLL was in Bridlewood on the 18th , at Lac Meech on the
16th, and on Hilda Road on the 19th.

Thanks to everyone who contributed bird observations. We encourage everyone
to report their bird sightings on eBird for the benefit of the entire
birding community.

Good birding.
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists (OFO) - the 
provincial birding organization.
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