Ottawa Field Naturalists’ Club 
Sightings in the Ottawa-Gatineau area (50Km radius from the Parliament 
Week ending March 8, 2018
Compiled by Gregory Zbitnew

NOTE: Concerning the RED-HEADED WOODPECKERS in Constance Bay, we have been 
informed that the previously reported trail that runs off Ritchie Ave just 
behind the houses along Bayview Dr. is on private property. That trail is now 
posted with No Trespassing signs. Please respect the OFNC birding code of 
ethics and stay on public roads. It's up to you to help promote respect toward 
wildlife, the environment, and other people.
It was another interesting week in the region. Mild weather most of the week 
resulted in more new arrivals.  The highlight was 2 ROSS’S GEESE on the Carp 
River flood plain on the 2nd, which unfortunately did not stick around, along 
with up to 3 GREATER WHITE-FRONTED GEESE which stayed until the 5th.  4 of this 
latter species were at Deschenes on the 7th.  
Among the WATERBIRDS, CACKLING GEESE have been seen in small numbers here and 
there, while the first RED-BREASTED MERGANSER was at Britannia on the 3rd. 
TURKEY VULTURES have been seen in a number of spots. There were GOLDEN EAGLES 
on Greenland Road, Eardley-Masham Road and in Russell this week. Likely some of 
these are migrants.
GULL numbers are picking up a bit, including a few sightings of the soon to be 
 Other notable sightings include:
1.      EASTERN BLUEBIRD in Dunrobin on the 4th.
2.      WHITE-CROWNED SPARROW continuing in Luskville on the 4th. 
3.      1 GRAY PARTRIDGE on Cope Drive on the 7th. 
4.      RED CROSSBILLS on Eardley-Masham Road on the 2nd, and in Chelsea on the 
5.      1 WHITE-WINGED CROSSBILL on Eardley-Masham Road on the 2nd, and 2 in 
Morewood Bog on the 6th. 

Thanks to everyone who submitted bird observations. We encourage everyone to 
use eBird for the benefit of the entire Birding Community.

Good birding

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.
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provincial birding organization.
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