If you can keep your binoculars and/or glasses dry there are lots of birds to 
be seen at Point Pelee this morning. At least 23 species of Warbler were seen 
on the Friends of Point Pelee hikes, and other reports are likely to come in.

The Tip itself was quiet although Sanderling was on the beach first thing in 
the morning. Yellow-bellied Flycatcher was reported from Loop Woods north of 
the tram stop. Connecticut Warblers were reported from both the Sparrow field 
and on the Post Woods approximately half way between the Sparrow field and the 
south end of the Woodland Trail. A Chuck-wills-widow is being seen on the Post 
Woods at the same location as the Connecticut.

The East side of the Woodland Trail is active with highlights being Canada and 
Blackpoll Warblers. A latish Prairie Warbler was reported between posts 16 and 
17 near the north end of the Redbud Trail. 

The Tilden Trail might be the most active with all 23 species of warbler being 
seen, including a Prothonotary Warbler and Acadian Flycatcher in the slough on 
the Shuster Trail and several Canada Warbler off the west seasonal trail. A new 
wave of thrushes came in with Wood, Veery, Swainson's and Gray-cheeked being 
seen. Philadelphia, Warbling and White-eyed Vireos were also seen on Tilden.

The only report we have from the north end of the Park is from the Sanctuary 
picnic area where Prothonotary Warbler and Northern Parula were seen. 

Good Birding,

Festival of Birds Hike Leaders
Pete Reid, Karl Konze, Todd Pepper, Justin Peters, Sarah Rupert, Jeremy 
Bensette, Jean Iron, Geoff, Ian, Chris, Dave, Bruce DiLabio, Cameron, Scott, 
Ken and Iain

The Festival of Birds runs from May 1-18.  For a detailed schedule visit: 

For highlights and other updates follow us at www.twitter.com/PointPeleeNP

The Festival is brought to you by Parks Canada - Point Pelee National Park and 
the Friends of Point Pelee.  Hikes are generously supported by Quest Nature 
Tours and Tropical Birding Tours.  Shorebird Viewing Nights are brought to you 
in partnership with Ontario Field Ornithologists and Essex Region Conversation 
Authority and Pelee Wings Nature Store.
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
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