POSTING FOR ADRIAN JUURLINK - questions, comments to

Hallo Ontbirders.
Yesterday (Dec 20 th) with the help of 45 participating counters (Including 9 counters from surrounding aria clubs) completed our 4 th annual Christmas Bird Count

Weather : minus 5 to 0 degrees C, wind light in early am West 5-10 kpm picking up to 15 kpm in the pm varying from W to NW Snow cover none,Moving water open Still water frozen Lake open

Our preliminary numbers with still 2  sectors and feeders to report are:
Best Birds
White- Winged Scoter(1) Killdeer (2) Pied-Billed Grebe (1) Cackling Goose (1) Kingfisher (1) Red-Headed Woodpecker (1) Tufted Titmouse (2)
High Counts:
Bald Eagle (9) Bonaparte's Gulls (1740) Red-bellied Hairy,and Downy Woodpeckers White and Red Breasted Nuthatch,Brown Creeper,Carolina and Winter Wren,Tree Field and Swamp Sparrow,Junco and Cardinals
Low Counts
Eastern Bluebird,Snowbuntings,Redwing Blackbirds
Countweek special
Sandhill Cranes (97) and Turkey Vulture (1)
Total number of species  recorded 81 (High)
Happy Birding
Adrian Juurlink
CBC Compiler ONPV Otter Valley Naturalist

Mark Cranford
ONTBIRDS Coordinator
Mississauga, Ont.
905 279 9576
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to ONTBIRDS mailing list
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