This evening there were two Red-necked Phalaropes at the Strathroy Sewage 
Lagoons in Middlesex. The two seen tonight were part of a trio originally found 
earlier today by Paul Nicholson. These are the first Red-necked Phalaropes to 
my knowledge since 2014, when there was one found also in Strathroy. The three 
may provide to be a new county high record, however I'm not entirely sure.

They seemed to favour the north side of the north cell (pond to the left as you 
walk in) around the little grass island. They were quite easy to pick out once 
you are looking in the right area. The pair moved around quite a lot, but 
always returned to the same general area.

The Strathroy Sewage Lagoons can be accessed without a permit or climbing a 
fence off Pike Rd, which is just south-west of Strathroy (SW of London).


Off Highway 402: Take exit 65, head south on Centre Rd/81, turn right onto 
Mullifarry Dr, turn left onto Pike Rd, sewage lagoons will be on the left hand 
side of the road (look for the little parking lot)

Off Egremont Dr/22: head south on Centre Rd/81, turn right onto Mullifarry Dr, 
turn left onto Pike Rd, sewage lagoons will be on the left hand side of the 
road (look for the parking lot)

Good birding,
Quinten Wiegersma
London, Ont

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