Hello Ontbirders!

A good bird in the GTA for you winter listers. Sorry, this is a second-hand
report but it comes with pictures on this eBird checklist from Rae
Hutchinson -- https://ebird.org/view/checklist/S51658347, so figured it was
worth posting.

He had the bird along part of the Oak Ridges Trail, just north-east of Bond
Lake, south of Lake Wilcox - on Google Maps the area is called "Moraine
Park" which is bounded by Old Colony Rd on the south, Nantucket Drive on
the north, and is just west of Bayview Avenue (north of Stouffville Rd).

Decent forest cover in the area so looks like it could be sticking it out
for the winter. I hope to get a chance to look for it tomorrow over the
lunch hour.

Good birding,
Frank Pinilla (for Rae Hutchinson)
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