Hello Ontbirders,

I headed to Reesor Pond this morning, arriving at 9:45, and found the GWFG
right at the base of the east spit in front of the entrance to the pond off
Reesor Rd. All field marks looked good except the belly that was much
whiter than I recall for this species, comparing to field guides it seemed
off too.  There were a couple of black feathers coming in to the belly - so
maybe not a full adult...  The bird flew off 10 minutes after I arrived but
suspect it will return in the evening (most of the Canada's return in the
evening after 7pm).

Digiscoped Picture were taken, I attached in my first attempt to send to
the list but the e-mail was likely blocked, so am re-sending my note
without the pictures attached.

Also here were over 2000 Canada Geese (many flying off to surrounding
fields but will return in the evening), 3 Ruddy Duck, a Pied-billed Grebe,
2 Hooded Merg, a Killdeer, 2 Lesser Scaup amongst others.

Reesor pond lies just north of 407 on the west side of Reesor Road.

Good birding
Frank Pinilla
Richmond Hill

Sent from my iPhone
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