Hey Birders,

Well today was quite simply an exceptional day. Brandon Holden, Ross Wood, Mike 
Burrell and myself stationed ourselves at Waverly Beach in Fort Erie. We 
arrived at 8am, staying until 3:30pm, and were joined by several others 
throughout the day. Activity was pretty consistent lasting until 2pm, with 
jaegers and kittiwakes being seen throughout the day.


Ross's Gull - 1 adult at 11:09. First spotted by myself, our entire group and 
Dave Beadle's were also able to get on this bird. We first picked it up towards 
the Niagara River, and it flew west past us ~400m offshore. The bird was flying 
loosely with a few other Bonapartes. All diagnostic features were seen and we 
were needless to say thrilled!!!

Black-headed Gull - 1 adult at 11:35, first picked up by Mike. The bird was 
moving with a flock of Bonies about 150m offshore. Brandon was able to get some 
decent photo's, which he'll be posting later tonight 

Pomarine Jaeger - a minimum of 14 and a max of 24 birds. All appeared to be 
dark juvs. 

Parasitic Jaeger - 1 subadult and 1 light adult

Jaeger spp. - 2 birds. 1 appeared to be a Long-tailed, but was very distant

Black-legged Kittiwake - a total of 24 juvenals seen in total throughout the day

Sabine's Gull - 2 juveniles, seen separately

Brant - a flock of 30 flew by first thing

Red-throated Loon - 2 birds seen 

To see a checklist of the days sightings, click the attached link: 

Directions: Waverly Beach is best accessed from the QEW off Thompson St. Exit 
on Thompson St. and head straight down to the lake.

Good Birding,
Ken Burrell,
Waterloo ON


ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
For information about ONTBIRDS visit http://www.ofo.ca/

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