Hi all,

     There has been a significant build-up of this mixed flock over the past 
week. Today I estimated it at well over 200 birds with a third being blue morph 
birds. I saw at least 2 blue Ross's and 10+ white Ross's. To-day the flock took 
to the air from corn fields to the south, circled a few times and then landed 
in the major flooded section south of Greenway Road, east of Hwy#21. Wednesday 
I counted ~120 birds about 50/50 blue/white mix, but the Ross's were hard to 
pick out as there were many more swans for them to hide behind. 

      The areas east of River Road are now all dried up(I drove down Hagmier 
today and saw ~15 Snow Bunting but no swans at all. 

      Of note I also had my first Eastern Phoebe behind my feeders this 
morning(spring is here for sure!) but only 1 Painted Turtle on the log that 
held 5 on Tuesday and 12 on Wednesday.

       Cheers!   Maris


Directions - Greenway Road runs east off Hwy #21 ~ 6km south of Grand Bend . 

Maris Apse 10094 Red Pine Road, Box 22, RR #2 Grand Bend ON N0M 1T0 (519) 238 - 

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