Hi everyone. There still doesn't appear to be much of note in Essex County 
apart from the long-staying Spotted Towhee at Point Pelee. I and my brother 
Robert found the bird again at 8:35 am today at its usual location just east of 
the 42 latitude sign. (Isn't it time we gave this fellow a name? My brother and 
I call him "Reggie.") Unfortunately, the tip was surrounded by ice again so 
there wasn't much in the way of gulls or waterfowl there. Singleton Horned 
Larks would occasionally fly over from off the lake, but the only other nice 
bird at the tip is a Carolina Wren that loosely associates with the Spotted 

Around the DeLaurier Trail parking lot, we were treated to a flock of Eastern 
Bluebirds which had some of the most stunning males I can ever recall seeing. 
There were upwards of 40 individuals in all. Over 100 American Robins were in 
the immediate vicinity as well. Along Concession Road E, "the dyke road,"  I 
spotted a male Rusty Blackbird with a group of male Brown-headed Cowbirds, most 
of which were impressively serenading a few females. The Rusty still had some 
rusty feather tips on its scapulars and wing coverts, but not much.

Wheatley Harbour at last gave us over 100 gulls to go through, and I found one 
adult "Kumlien's" Iceland Gull in the marina. An adult Sharp-shinned Hawk made 
a brief appearance there.

Good birding!

Randy Horvath, Windsor 

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