Hi all,
       About 10:00 am I saw a TV out-competing a Red-tailed Hawk for morsels of 
some dead critter in the corn stubble to north side of white-washed barn with 
green/yellow design at #6679 Talbot Rd (Hwy #4) ~ 1/2 km north of Sparta 
Line(opposite Shaw's Dairy Ice Cream - a much more appetizing option, I'd have 
to say). 
      Also had a male and female  Eastern Bluebird in orchard opposite #4958 
Union Rd and 11 Cedar Waxwing at Sparta Line just north of bridge past the 
cedar hedge.
      A much more enjoyable morning than Penny was having at the Ivey Eye 
        Cheers!  Maris        
Maris Apse,  10094 Red Pine Rd,  Grand Bend,   ON  N0M 1T0,   519-238-8415
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