Took the dog up to the Kendal area for a morning of Snowshoeing. It was a very productive Finch morning.

Village of Kendal
210+ Pine Siskins 4 Common Redpolls
Siskins were foraging at what looked like every niger feeder in the village.

Thompson Road (just 100m east of the ganaraska/newtonville road intersection.) Evening Grosbeaks reported at a large feeder setup on the west side of the road last week. Today only more siskins, redpolls and goldfinches.

The end of maintained section of concession 8 just west of white road (Thompson road ends at conc. 8 turn left onto conc. 8)

Turn right onto concession 8 from thompson road. It turns into The Dell road. Follow it north to the intersection with Thertell road. The house on the se corner of the insection has feeders in the back yard visible from Thertell Road. There were 39 EVENING GROSBEAKS present

The Dell road ends just north of Thertell road and there is an elaborate feeder set up on the right hand side just 200m north of Thertell road. Another 14 EVENING GROSBEAKS were present here at the same time the 39 were 200m south.

The distance between these Thertell/The Dell road feeders and the village of Kendal is only 3km. So these birds can easily move between locations.

Also seen today in the general area were 150+ Bluejays, Common Ravens, Barred Owl, Wild Turkeys, Snow Buntings, and Horned Larks

Directions to Kendal
From Hwy 401 take Hwy 115/35 north to Kirby exiting onto the Ganaraska Road
(Cty road 9). Follow it east 6km to the village of Kendal. Turn right(south)
on to Newtonville road. The feeders are located on the corner of Old mill
road and newtonville road, Just north of the general store and 400m south of
Ganaraska Road.

Kendal can also be reached by taking the Newtonville road exit of Hwy 401
and traveling 12km north to the village

Tyler Hoar

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birding organization.
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