Hey Birders,

Alvan Buckley and I decided to bird a different area than normal today, 
travelling the Lake Huron shoreline from Kettle Point north to roughly Goderich 
and back to Waterloo. Our best bird by far was an immaculate adult male King 
Eider we found at the mouth of the Maitland River in Goderich, on the north 
side of the harbour. Quite a surprise. Alvan got some pretty decent shots of 
it, which he'll be posting on his blog (http://www.alvanbuckley.blogspot.ca/) 

We watched the bird from about 1-2pm. The bird was easily seen the entire time 
we watched it, never being more than 200-300m offshore. 

Other birds of note include:
Black-crowned Night-Heron -1 juv. in the harbour at Goderich, seemed very out 
of place, standing with the gulls out on the ice!
Hoary Redpoll -1 bird in a large flock of Common Redpoll's, just south Goderich 
by the 'youth centre' on Hwy. 21

We saw a number of other good birds, including 4 Glaucous Gulls, Tufted 
Titmouse etc.

Directions to Goderich Harbour (for the Eider): take Hwy 8 west from Stratford. 
Once in Goderich, take Hwy. 21 north out of town. Just after the river/bridge, 
turn left on Champlain Boulevard. Follow the signs for the marina. There is a 
gate to the entrance of the marina. Park your car, walk down the hill towards 
the lake (~400m), the bird was on the north side of the mouth of river, where 
it empties into the lake.

To see a poor shot of the bird, check my blog out 

Good Birding,
Ken Burrell
Waterloo, Ont.

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
For information about ONTBIRDS visit http://www.ofo.ca/

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