Hi everyone,

Sorry to be tardy on this sighting. I thought I would post anyways, even if its 
just an odd wigeon. 

Yesterday my Dad and I found an interesting female wigeon about a km east of 
Selkirk Provincial Park. The bird was with a group of Mallards, Black Ducks, a 
single Green-winged Teal, Gadwall and 3 drake A. Wigeons. The bird had a very 
pronounced reddish/buffy colour appearance which was what caught my eye right 
away. I was able to get 1 photo of the bird, which is on my blog 
The bird never associated with the drake American Wigeons while we there. I've 
never seen a female Eurasian before, but also have never seen a female-type 
American this 'bright'.

Anyways just thought I'd get the word out.

Directions: the birds were right on shore, along Lakeshore Road (~1km east of 
Selkirk Provincial Park), between Hamdum and 8th Street. 

Good Birding,
Ken Burrell
Waterloo Ont

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