Our party of three birded Mud Lake at Britannia Conservation Area today.
Around noon as chickadees fed from our hands a Black-throated Green Warbler
was spotted along the trail that begins at Cassels Road and heads south
around the west side of the lake. The bird was in the brush where the trail
takes a "U"-shaped curve to avoid low wet ground. Responding to 'pishing' it
came closer and we got great views before it moved deeper into the bush.

Other species sighted included Brown Creeper, Downy Woodpecker,
White-breasted Nuthatch, Northern Cardinal, Mallards and American Black

Directions courtesy Neily World:
http//ca.geocities.com/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/orwo10.htm

Happy Birding,
Heather Pickard and
Al and Cathy Garner

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