Hi all,
On our way to visit the banders on Riverside Trail early yesterday I spotted a female and then Emily pointed out a male Red Crossbill, just over the boardwalk perpendicular to the river. They were only 4/5 m high and seemed to have very large bills, perhaps accentuated by their relative proximity. Of course I mentioned these birds to the 'ringers', expecting some excitement, but they calmly said that they had seen ~20 fly over some 10 days ago.(Emi and I sure were excited - I saw a pair June 26/05 on Hwy#599 south of Pickle Lake - OBBA trip and a single male bird at Algonquin V.C. Dec 14/99). We watched these birds for about 3 minutes before they flew off to the north. This morning I went by myself and experienced my first 'fall-out' of this spring. There was an Olive-sided Flycatcher, Canada Warbler and Lincoln's Sparrow amongst many others and the banders were kept quite busy until the rains came back. Cheers! Maris

Maris Apse
10094 Red Pine Road, Box 22,
RR #2 Grand Bend ON  N0M 1T0
(519)  238 - 8415

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