Hi all,
I saw the Ross's Goose at 5:00pm yesterday (found on Rondeau CBC Sunday by Jim Burk (?) - on my way home - there were no birds there ~1:30 pm. I spent over an hour at Erieau (with my video) but did not see the Kittiwake (Blake must have chased it off), however there were 2 Little Gulls in the marina area (got video of 1) with all the 'bonies' and I saw a third one on Rondeau bay. I saw 5 Rough-legged Hawks in the air at one time just north of Shetland on CR #8. At Forest SL there was a juvenal blue-morph Snow Goose in the back cell along with 1 male and 2 female Northern Pintail. Still flocks of Snow Buntings - but not as huge as in Nov. At Thedford SL there was just one Tundra Swan with the Canada geese and on Mollard Line and South Rd. an adult Northern Shrike was hunting the ditch running west(got video). This is in reverse chronological order - all after my physiotherapy session in GB at 10am (really needed it after weekend CBC doubleheader).

Ridgetown SL - turn north of town @ lights ~1km - south side of Mitton Line which is left before Gosnell Line - viewing platform
   Forest SL - SW of town on Brush Line - easy squeeze by gate.
Thedford SL - on east side of Northville Road - continuation of Hwy#79 ~1km north of town

Cheers! Maris
Maris Apse
10094 Red Pine Road, Box 22,
RR #2 Grand Bend ON  N0M 1T0
(519)  238 - 8415

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