It appears from the following data sent to me by Ohio birder, Thomas
Bartlett, that White Pelicans are now more than just vagrants in Lake
Erie's western basin.

Thomas writes: 'I could see several pelicans on the rocks off the west side
of Middle Island from Kelleys Island last May (using a scope).  On Tuesday,
a lady from Middle Bass Island who regularly goes out to The Chicks and
sometimes East Sister, reported to me that there were 50+ on and around the
Chicks and 24+ off East Sister.  I believe it is only a matter of time (or
it may have happened all ready) for them to be nesting in or along Lake
Erie.  The Chicks and Middle Island are prime areas.  Pelee Island Bird
Observatory has been recording birds most of the summer.  At East Harbor
State Park near Port Clinton (in Ohio), over 150 pelicans have been
roosting the last three summers.  They are there early in the AM, leave for
the day, and come back in the evening."

The 'Chicks' are about 5 nautical miles west of Pelee Island. I am hoping
to get a boat out there soon to see what's going on there.

Rob Tymstra

Pelee Island
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