20 participants braved mid-July temperatures on Sunday, Sept. 16th for the OFO 
hike at Point Pelee National Park, the onion fields, and Wheatley Harbour. It 
was a hot day w/ light east winds and clear skies, which made finding birds a 
challenge. We ended the day w/ 52 species.

Highlights from the morning at Point Pelee included 4 Sanderlings at the Tip 
area, a good Sharp-shinned Hawk flight w/ the odd Merlin, American Kestrel, and 
Broad-winged Hawk mixed in, and a couple pockets of migrants at the Tip and on 
Red Bud Trail including Red-breasted Nuthatch, Blue-gray Gnatcatcher, Red-eyed 
Vireo, Ruby-crowned Kinglet, and Purple Finch. We only ended up w/ 6 species of 
warbler: Common Yellowthroat, American Redstart, Magnolia Warbler, Bay-breasted 
Warbler, Blackburnian Warbler, and Black-throated Green Warbler. We only saw a 
few Monarchs at the Tip.

The Onion Fields north of Point Pelee unfortunately didn't have many shorebirds 
and the heat haze made for difficult viewing but 3 Wilson's Snipe within the 
Pelee marsh at the east end of Mersea Rd E was a highlight.

We finished the afternoon at Wheatley Harbour. There we had our best bird of 
the day, a very early female Long-tailed Duck in the inner harbour. The harbour 
also provided a good chance for close study of terns and gulls.

A big thank you to Deb and the Friends of Point Pelee for providing 
refreshments in the morning and to Ellen Smout for helping w/ the group 
throughout the morning.

Jeremy Hatt
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists (OFO) - the 
provincial birding organization.
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