Ottawa Field Naturalists' Club
Ottawa/Gatineau (50 Km radius from Parliament Hill) E. Ontario, W. Quebec
Compiler:  Greg Zbitnew at or

March 10, 2016

The GYRFALCON was seen on the 5th at the Laflèche Landfill east of Casselman.  

Nearer to Ottawa, no specific bird was a highlight this week, but there was a
major shift in the weather, resulting in real spring-like weather, a few
seasonal firsts, and many others that have arrived in considerable numbers.  The
flood, however, is still in the future. 

Starting with the waterbirds, at Britannia 2 WOOD DUCK and 2 HOODED MERGANSER
are the first of these species in some months. Added to the regular crew and
some early arrivals from previous weeks, 14 species of waterfowl were seen in
the ever-increasing expanse of open water.  A flock of 80 CANADA GEESE was in
parc Brébeuf on the 9th.   Such numbers are small compared to 1500 seen east of
the city in Russell.  A HARLEQUIN DUCK at the Champlain Bridge on the 6th was
the first recent report of this bird. 

Leading the GULL pack, RING-BILLED GULLS are now being seen in shopping centres
all over the region. 

Some GRAY PARTRIDGE were in Carp on the 7-8th, the first TURKEY VULTURE was seen
over Pierce Road on the 10th, and the first KILLDEER was on March Valley Road on
the 8th (but not relocated). 

A NORTHERN FLICKER at Hampton Park on the 9th is probably not a migrant;
likewise a WINTER WREN at Rapides Deschênes on the 8th.

Large numbers of SNOW BUNTING, modest numbers of HORNED LARK and a sprinkling of
LAPLAND LONGSPUR can be seen in open fields particularly south of Kanata. 

RED-WINGED BLACKBIRDS are now here in some numbers, the largest flock being one
of 30 on March Valley Road.  3 COMMON GRACKLE were in Gatineau on the 9th. 

EVENING GROSBEAK in Larose forest on the 5th, and a PINE GROSBEAK at Lac la
Pêche on the 6th were notables among the FINCHES.  

The OFNC's Birds Committee no longer reports owl sightings on the Internet. We
will continue to encourage the reporting of owls to for the
purpose of maintaining local records. 

Thanks to everyone who contributed bird observations.
Good birding.

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
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