Ontbirds subscribers:

The bird was visiting feeders located in the backyard of 1265 Fellows Rd.
in the Iris/Pinecrest Creek area. Please note that Mike and I checked for
viewing possibilities from Fellows Road and there are none. Fellows Rd. is
relatively narrow and fairly busy (school just down the road from the home)
as well, so we recommend not bothering to look for the bird from there. To
access the NCC pathway, from Parkway Dr. walk a mere 30 meters east along
the south side of Iris Street, then head south along the western, wooded
NCC pathway running parallel to the Bus Transitway. This pathway is not
plowed so boots are strongly recommended; Mike Tate and I exhaustingly
paved the way on the 28th! From this point, you'll walk approx 250 meters
south, to the final house just beside the school grounds; the feeder set up
stands out like a sore thumb so it would be very hard to miss.

Nearby parking recommendations: Parkway Drive (N and S) and Chesire Road.
It is not recommended that you attempt to park along Iris Street during the
winter (might actually not be able to, by By-Law, as well).

Traffic considerations: Ottawa's main transitway is near this location, so
peak traffic hours will coincide with morning and afternoon "rush hour."
Something to consider; a busy spot at this time.

Good luck,

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