Steady birding in the Park today with 25 species of warbler reported as of 
Noon. One could bird anywhere in the Park and find birds. 

At the Tip this morning there was a somewhat profitable reverse movement and a 
Summer Tanager and a Canada Warbler were involved. Red-headed Woodpecker and 
many orioles and a few Scarlet Tanagers were also noted. An Olive-sided 
Flycatcher was reported as well as a Little Gull. Also a Yellow-billed Cuckoo 
was seen near the Tip. 

On Post Woods Trail Canada and Hooded Warbler, and Hooded were also seen near 
bridge C on the Woodland Trail.

The Tilden Trail north of the Visitor Centre was very productive with Canada 
and more (up to 5) Hooded Warbler. Females of a number of species such as 
American Redstart, Chestnut-sided and Bay-breasted Warblers have arrived. The 
first post-breeding Eastern Screech-Owl, a red morph, was found this morning on 
the Tilden Trail about 50 metres north of the Shuster Trail on the left (west) 
side of the trail.   

Good Birding,

Festival of Birds Hike Leaders
Pete R, Karl, Todd, Justin, Sarah, Jeremy, Jean, Geoff, Ian, Chris, Dave, 
Bruce, Cameron, Scott, Ken and Iain

The Festival of Birds runs from May 1-18.  For a detailed schedule visit:

For highlights and other updates follow us at

The Festival is brought to you by Parks Canada - Point Pelee National Park and 
the Friends of Point Pelee.  Hikes are generously supported by Quest Nature 
Tours and Tropical Birding Tours.  Shorebird Viewing Nights are brought to you 
in partnership with Ontario Field Ornithologists and Essex Region Conversation 
Authority and Pelee Wings Nature Store.
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
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