I roamed around Matchedash Bay, Simcoe County today. It is a great birding and natural history area to venture into. And it is approximately 20 minutes nw of Orillia.

Yellow Rail

Quarry Road trail ( I forgot the actual name on the sign) exit from Hwy 400 at exit 149 Quarry Road turn left, and at approximately 700 m east there is a small 2-3 car parking lot on the right hand (south) side of the road. Follow the trail along the berm to the southeast end. Across the creek from the berm is an area of sedges and grasses adjacent to the cattails. The Yellow Rail was calling from there. I have had Yellow Rails in the same area in previous springs but never in the summer.

Also seen from this area of the marsh were 1 Least Bittern, 2 Soras, 1 Common Moorhen, 3 Sandhill Cranes, 21 Trumpeter Swans including 1 nest, 2 Mute Swans (first ones I have seen here in 10 years), 15 Black Terns and of course the nesting Ospreys on the pole adjacent to the trail berm.

Brewers Blackbird

Lawson Line south of Kinnear Sideroad I had the bird sitting on a fence post adjacent to the fields just north of the North River. There was also an Upland Sandpiper present as well.

Cowan Trail
Parking lot located on Kinnear side road adjacent to Matchedash Bay just before the road takes a sharp right. Rubber boots are highly recommended for the trail.
9 Species of warblers including 7 Golden-winged Warblers
3 Blue Gray Gnatcatchers including a nest in a large Bur Oak just south of the parking lot.
Vireos: Warbling, Red-eyed and Yellow-throated (2)
Great blue Heronry 11/13 nests active
Also Indigo Buntings, Rose-breasted Grosbeaks, 1 Red-bellied Woodpecker and a Red-shouldered Hawk were present.

non birds
5 species of frogs and 3 species of turtles present


From the south exit hwy 400 at exit 141 or Hwy 12 from Orillia and travel
into Coldwater. Take the Upper big Chute road north from Coldwater the first three left roads are Lawson Line, Kinnear sideroad, and Quarry rd/ Fell Line

Or exit at the north end of the marsh at exit 149  Quarry Road.

Tyler Hoar

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