Lots of goatsuckers north of Havelock ON including 1 Chuck-will- widow

First off sorry for the delay in posting, I had to cheer on the Bruins.
Starting at 1147pm on Tuesday and running till 4am on Wednesday I surveyed ( BSC and a personal route) the area north of Havelock for Whip-poor-wills. Two areas were primarily surveyed. Hubble road/Long Lake area and the Sandy Lake road area. A total of 44km and 36 stops produced the following.

Chuck-will's Widow: 12:40am 1 bird calling on the northeast side of Hubble road (right side if coming from cty road 47) 400m north of County road 47. The bird was calling from approximately 150-200m in from the road on private property. Also calling from this stop were 3 Whip-poor-wills and 1 Common Nighthawk.

Directions from Havelock: Go north from Havelock on county road 46. County road 47 meets 46 from the left at approximately 12-15km. Turn left onto 47 and take the first quick right onto Hubble road and follow it for 400m.

Whip-poor-will survey

A total of 87 Whip-poor-wills were heard and some seen. In the Hubble road area a total of 26 birds with 1-5 birds were calling at 9 of 11 stops. Sandy Lake road area survey started on county road 46 just north of Oak Lake and wandered onto Sandy Lake road. 61 birds at 23 of 25 stops. 0-7 birds located on various counts with the average being 2-3 birds.

Other birds heard or seen: 3 Common Nighthawks, 3 Barred Owls, 4 Wilson's Snipe, 1 Ruffed Grouse and a singing Hermit Thrush at 3:30am.

I visited both areas during Wednesday morning and found 14 species of warblers among 60+ species.
Prairie Warbler 2 on Sandy Lake Road
Golden-winged Warblers 4 on Sandy Lake Road, along Hubble Road, and along county road 46 south of Oak Lake.
Sandhill Crane 1 in the sedge marsh on the north side of Sandy Lake.
also seen were: Yellow-throated Vireo, Sedge Wren, Red-shouldered Hawk, Merlin, Swainson's Thrush, Canada Warbler, Lincoln's and Clay-coloured Sparrows

Mammals: 4 White-tailed Deer, 5 Red Fox pups, Striped Skunk, Flying Squirrel sp. and a large Bull Moose which startled me at 3am

County road 46 running north from Havelock to Lasswade . The area from the jct of cty rd 47 up Lasswade contains several Pine(Red,White, and Jack) barrens intersected by large sedge marshes and small Black Spruce and Tamarack wetlands. Sandy Lake Road is a sometimes rough dirt road which starts approximately 30km north of Havelock and rejoins cty road 46 approximately 5km south of Lasswade.

Tyler Hoar

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