More details on the Rondeau birds:

This morning there was an excellent movement of waterbirds along the east side of Rondeau Park. Included was a large movement of Common Loons (over 200).

I arrived at Dog Beach just after 07:30 and caught sight of a juv Black-legged Kittiwake heading south.
It was not seen again.

A while later after Steve Charbonneau and Keith Burk arrived, a second-cycle Laughing Gull was seen heading south. It soon came back and we saw it about 3 more times. It briefly landed on the beach towards the visitor centre. We did not find it again but could still be in the area.

Later in the morning, Steve came across a first-cycle Franklin's Gull at the north end of the park off beach access 6 and 7. Several birders got on the bird. Photos were taken in flight. It was hanging around for some time.

Over at Erieau, a male Eurasian Wigeon has been hanging out behind the fire hall for a few days. There is a public viewing area behind the fire hall with a nice deck to set up scopes. Scope is required as it is often distant. There is also a vegetation mat on the Bay seen from there which shorebirds will congregate. Some Dunlin and a Lesser Yellowlegs were there today. Also 20 Caspian Terns were resting on the mat.

Dog Beach is near the south end of Lakeshore Road in Rondeau Provincial Park. The park is to the right of the end of C-K Rd. 15 (Kent Bridge Road).

The Fire Hall at Erieau is on the north side of the main road in the village along the one-way section of road heading west. Erieau is at the end of C-K Rd. 12 SW of Blenheim.


Blake A. Mann
Wallaceburg, Chatham-Kent

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