Ottawa Field Naturalists' Club
Ottawa/Gatineau (50 Km radius from Parliament Hill) E. Ontario, W. Quebec
Compiler:  Gregory Zbitnew at or

July 28, 2016

Finally, after several weeks, there have been some highlights.  On the 25th, at
Shirley’s bay, both WHIMBREL and SHORT-BILLED DOWITCHER flew over.  On the 26th,
a RED-NECKED PHALAROPE was there, and fortunately it stayed, still there as of
the 28th.  There was a STILT SANDPIPER at Embrun on the 27th, the first of the

There were a few small signs of southward songbird migration, but the vast
majority of the birds are the residents, and their song has dropped off greatly
even in the last week. The weather has been warm to hot, with no major weather
systems passing through. 

A COMMON GOLDENEYE at Shirley’s bay was notable among all the usual breeding
waterbirds, and the RED-NECKED GREBE continues at Britannia as of the 28th. 

SHOREBIRDS are around, sometimes in decent numbers but finally this week there
have been more than just common species.  13 species have been seen in the
region this week.  Here are some recent sightings:

1.      Richmond CA:  61 birds of 6 species on the 25th. 
2.      Shirley’s Bay: 60 birds of 7 species on the 28th (4 additional were seen
during the last week)
3.      Embrun: 90 birds of 8 species on the 27th. 
4.      Almonte: 60 birds of 6 species on the 25th.    
5.      Petrie Island: 10 birds of 4 species on the 28th. 

A few other interesting sightings:

1.      LEAST BITTERN at Embrun on the 27th.
2.      11 BLACK TERN on the Ottawa River near Cumberland on the 21st suggests 
the breeding colony in Quebec is doing better than originally thought.
3.      UPLAND SANDPIPER is still on Panmure Road.  
4.      RED-HEADED WOODPECKERS successfully nested in Constance bay this year 
and are
being seen regularly. 
5.      GOLDEN-WINGED WARBLER at South March Highlands on the 26th.  

Finally, there are a couple of sightings that give some hints of some southern
songbird migration, although neither breeds very far north:

1.      A few sightings of NORTHERN PARULA, and
2.      A  TENNESSEE WARBLER at Shirley’s bay a few times, and one at Petrie 

The OFNC's Birds Committee no longer reports owl sightings on the Internet. We
will continue to encourage the reporting of owls to for the
purpose of maintaining local records. 

Thanks to everyone who contributed bird observations. We encourage everyone to
report their bird sightings on ebird for the benefit of the entire birding

Good birding.

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
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