Re: [bitcoin-dev] Camouflage: A project dedicated to Hal Finney

2021-08-29 Thread Aymeric Vitte via bitcoin-dev

Maybe let's discuss the details privately since some might be off topic
for this list, as a quick answer the discussion I linked to is about
using the Tor protocol between bitcoin nodes piping the bitcoin protocol
via node-Tor (not to be misunderstood with the Tor network again), nodes
can be whatever you like including browsers (but the use of the Tor
browser is not foreseen neither encouraged, disabling js and WebRTC is
valid when you are browsing, but browsing is not what is proposed here),
they can be wallets too, if you look at the browserification of
bitcoin-transactions ( there is a mechanism to
make sure the js code you loaded is the correct one, you can also create
a bookmarklet button with the js code to run it directly inside the
browser without having to load it



Le 29/08/2021 à 00:40, Prayank a écrit :
> Hi Aymeric,
> Thanks for sharing the link. 'bitcoin-transactions' and 'node-Tor'
> looks interesting although I will have to check details and try things.
> One observation: I noticed it's in JavaScript and will use WebRTC.
> Users who care about privacy normally disable both while using a browser.
> -- 
> Prayank
> A3B1 E430 2298 178F
> Aug 28, 2021, 22:06 by
> Probably you could add to your links this discussion/issue
> Le 27/08/2021 à 23:29, Prayank via bitcoin-dev a écrit :
>> I wish Hal Finney was with us today and help us improve privacy
>> in Bitcoin. I like reading his posts and one of them is
>> I had emailed about Privacy related things on July 23:
>> It was my birthday on 23 and had few beers so maybe email wasn't
>> very focused. Although basic idea was to initiate discussion
>> about improving privacy in different Bitcoin projects. I did not
>> receive any response except one person who liked the video I
>> mentioned in the email. So here is one project which uses GitHub
>> pages and will have the following things:
>> 1.Issues and PRs related to privacy from different Bitcoin
>> projects. I have added few from Bitcoin Core (full node
>> implementation), Bisq(DEX) and LND (LN implementation) right now.
>> 2.Blog section for my opinion on different privacy related issues
>> and PRs.
>> 3.'Hall of Fame' section to appreciate the contribution of devs
>> who are improving privacy in different Bitcoin projects.
>> I will be happy if this project helps in improving privacy or
>> helps users/devs in any other way. This project will never turn
>> in to a paid newsletter or needs any sponsors, however any
>> contribution to make the website better would be appreciated.
>> Edward Snowden can also contribute if he wants to do more than
>> just tweets to help improve Bitcoin privacy.
>> Link:
>> Will move everything to new repository this weekend:
>> -- 
>> Prayank
>> A3B1 E430 2298 178F
>> ___
>> bitcoin-dev mailing list

Sophia-Antipolis, France
GitHub :
Move your coins by yourself (browser version):
Bitcoin transactions made simple:
node-Tor :
Zcash wallets made simple:
Bitcoin wallets made simple:
Anti-spies and private torrents, dynamic blocklist:
Peersm :

bitcoin-dev mailing list

Re: [bitcoin-dev] Camouflage: A project dedicated to Hal Finney

2021-08-28 Thread Prayank via bitcoin-dev
Hi Aymeric,

Thanks for sharing the link. 'bitcoin-transactions' and 'node-Tor' looks 
interesting although I will have to check details and try things.

One observation: I noticed it's in JavaScript and will use WebRTC. Users who 
care about privacy normally disable both while using a browser.

A3B1 E430 2298 178F

Aug 28, 2021, 22:06 by

> Probably you could add to your links this discussion/issue > 
> Le 27/08/2021 à 23:29, Prayank via  bitcoin-dev a écrit :
>> I wish Hal Finney was with us today and help us improveprivacy in 
>> Bitcoin. I like reading his posts and one of them is >> 
>> I had emailed about Privacy related things on July23: >> 
>> It was my birthday on 23 and had few beers somaybe email wasn't very 
>> focused. Although basic idea was toinitiate discussion about 
>> improving privacy in different Bitcoinprojects. I did not receive 
>> any response except one person wholiked the video I mentioned in the 
>> email. So here is one projectwhich uses GitHub pages and will have 
>> the following things:
>> 1.Issues and PRs related to privacy from differentBitcoin projects. 
>> I have added few from Bitcoin Core (full nodeimplementation), 
>> Bisq(DEX) and LND (LN implementation) rightnow.
>> 2.Blog section for my opinion on different privacyrelated issues and 
>> PRs.
>> 3.'Hall of Fame' section to appreciate thecontribution of devs who 
>> are improving privacy in differentBitcoin projects.
>> I will be happy if this project helps in improvingprivacy or helps 
>> users/devs in any other way. This project willnever turn in to a 
>> paid newsletter or needs any sponsors,however any contribution to 
>> make the website better would beappreciated. Edward Snowden can also 
>> contribute if he wants todo more than just tweets to help improve 
>> Bitcoin privacy.
>> Link: >>
>> Will move everything to new repository thisweekend: >> 
>> -- 
>> Prayank
>> A3B1 E430 2298 178F
>> ___bitcoin-dev mailing list>> 
bitcoin-dev mailing list

Re: [bitcoin-dev] Camouflage: A project dedicated to Hal Finney

2021-08-28 Thread Aymeric Vitte via bitcoin-dev
Probably you could add to your links this discussion/issue

Le 27/08/2021 à 23:29, Prayank via bitcoin-dev a écrit :
> I wish Hal Finney was with us today and help us improve privacy in
> Bitcoin. I like reading his posts and one of them is
> I had emailed about Privacy related things on July 23:
> It was my birthday on 23 and had few beers so maybe email wasn't very
> focused. Although basic idea was to initiate discussion about
> improving privacy in different Bitcoin projects. I did not receive any
> response except one person who liked the video I mentioned in the
> email. So here is one project which uses GitHub pages and will have
> the following things:
> 1.Issues and PRs related to privacy from different Bitcoin projects. I
> have added few from Bitcoin Core (full node implementation), Bisq(DEX)
> and LND (LN implementation) right now.
> 2.Blog section for my opinion on different privacy related issues and PRs.
> 3.'Hall of Fame' section to appreciate the contribution of devs who
> are improving privacy in different Bitcoin projects.
> I will be happy if this project helps in improving privacy or helps
> users/devs in any other way. This project will never turn in to a paid
> newsletter or needs any sponsors, however any contribution to make the
> website better would be appreciated. Edward Snowden can also
> contribute if he wants to do more than just tweets to help improve
> Bitcoin privacy.
> Link:
> Will move everything to new repository this weekend:
> -- 
> Prayank
> A3B1 E430 2298 178F
> ___
> bitcoin-dev mailing list

bitcoin-dev mailing list

[bitcoin-dev] Camouflage: A project dedicated to Hal Finney

2021-08-27 Thread Prayank via bitcoin-dev
I wish Hal Finney was with us today and help us improve privacy in Bitcoin. I 
like reading his posts and one of them is 

I had emailed about Privacy related things on July 23:

It was my birthday on 23 and had few beers so maybe email wasn't very focused. 
Although basic idea was to initiate discussion about improving privacy in 
different Bitcoin projects. I did not receive any response except one person 
who liked the video I mentioned in the email. So here is one project which uses 
GitHub pages and will have the following things:

1.Issues and PRs related to privacy from different Bitcoin projects. I have 
added few from Bitcoin Core (full node implementation), Bisq(DEX) and LND (LN 
implementation) right now.
2.Blog section for my opinion on different privacy related issues and PRs.
3.'Hall of Fame' section to appreciate the contribution of devs who are 
improving privacy in different Bitcoin projects.

I will be happy if this project helps in improving privacy or helps users/devs 
in any other way. This project will never turn in to a paid newsletter or needs 
any sponsors, however any contribution to make the website better would be 
appreciated. Edward Snowden can also contribute if he wants to do more than 
just tweets to help improve Bitcoin privacy.


Will move everything to new repository this weekend:


A3B1 E430 2298 178F
bitcoin-dev mailing list