Re: [Bitcoin-development] Proposal: Vote on the blocksize limit with proof-of-stake voting

2013-06-09 Thread Daniel Lidstrom
Reserving my judgement until I've though about it more (design by committee
scares me, and this voting sounds expensive), I think the SPV-verifiable
moving median can be done by binning the space of block size limits, and
for each node in the UTXO tree, a value for each bin is stored which is the
sum of the corresponding bins of each of the children.  The childless nodes
- which correspond to the individual UTXOs - increment the appropriate bin
of their parents according to the rules you mentioned.  The bin values in
the root node of the UTXO tree would then be added to those, weighted
appropriately, of the previous N blocks.

The hash of a node would be that of the bin values, concatenated with the
child nodes' hashes.  In this way, any step of the calculation of the
median would produce a localized error in the UTXO tree that's easily

The number of bins would have to be kept relatively small in order to keep
this from adding too much data to the UTXO tree branches though.

On Mon, Jun 10, 2013 at 2:30 AM, Peter Todd  wrote:

> On Mon, Jun 10, 2013 at 04:09:26AM +, John Dillon wrote:
> My general comments on the idea are that while it's hard to say if a
> vote by proof-of-stake is really representative, it's likely the closest
> thing we'll ever get to a fair vote. Proof-of-stake is certainely better
> than just letting miners choose; as you point out miners can always
> choose to decrease the blocksize anyway so we only need a vote on
> allowable increases. Proof-of-stake also clearly favors those who
> actually have invested in Bitcoin over those who only talk about
> Bitcoin.
> I'll also say that while I know people will complain about putting
> politics into a technical problem, as I keep saying, is *is* a political
> issue. The limitations may be technical, but the ultimate issue is a
> very political decision about what we want Bitcoin to be. Yes, there
> will be people campaigning left and right to get users to vote for
> various limits with their coins, deal with it. Democracy is messy.
> Voting would take a lot of the nastier politics out of the situation,
> perhaps somewhat ironically. It would quite clearly take control away
> from the core development team, and the Bitcoin Foundation, and put it
> back in the hands of the community; you can't argue conspiracy theories
> that the Foundation is trying to control Bitcoin when there is a
> completely transparent voting system in place. People will complain that
> big Bitcoin players are throwing their weight around, but the blockchain
> itself is a voting mechanism that is anything but 1 person = 1 vote.
> Of course I wouldn't be the slightest bit surprised if users happily
> vote themselves into something looking like a centralized PayPal
> replacement in the long run, but at least if that happens the process by
> which they get there will be transparent and relatively democratic.
> > A vote will consist of a txout with a scriptPubKey of the following form:
> >
> > OP_RETURN magic vote_id txid vout vote scriptSig
> >
> > Where scriptSig is a valid signature for a transaction with nLockTime
> > 500,000,000-1 spending txid:vout to scriptPubKey:
> >
> > OP_HASH160 H(OP_RETURN magic vote_id txid vout vote) OP_EQUAL
> I just wanted to point out how general this mechanism is. Regardless of
> what the scriptPubKey form is, standard, P2SH, multisig, whatever to
> vote is to simply prove you could have spent the txout.
> > vote_id is the ID of the specific vote being made, and magic is included
> to
> > allow UTXO proof implementations a as yet unspecified way of identifying
> votes
> > and including the weighted median as part of the UTXO tree sums. (it also
> > allows SPV clients to verify the vote if the UTXO set is a Patricia tree
> of
> > scriptPubKeys) vote is just the numerical vote itself.
> Ah, you're assuming a direct Patricia tree. Keep in mind that
> scriptPubKey's can be up to 10,000 bytes long, and an attacker can use
> that (with 10,000 other txouts) to create some extremely deep trees. I
> said on IRC a few days ago about how skeptical I am of implementing
> consensus critical systems with such huge differences in average and
> worst case, but I'll admit this is a decent use-case.
> Having said that, proof to SPV clients leaves open the interesting
> possibility that a third-party holding Bitcoins on your behalf can prove
> that they voted according to your wishes, or even prove they voted
> according to all their users wishes. Basically we'd add a rule for the
> UTXO tree where a specific OP_RETURN form is included in the UTXO tree,
> even though it is unspendable, and is removed from the tree if the
> master txout is spent. Note that in this case by "prove they voted" we
> mean the service actually taking the step of ensuring their vote was
> recorded in the blockchain.
> > The vote must compute
> > the median, rather than the mean, so as to not allow someone to skew the
> vote
> > by simply 

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Proposal: Vote on the blocksize limit with proof-of-stake voting

2013-06-09 Thread Peter Todd
On Mon, Jun 10, 2013 at 04:09:26AM +, John Dillon wrote:

My general comments on the idea are that while it's hard to say if a
vote by proof-of-stake is really representative, it's likely the closest
thing we'll ever get to a fair vote. Proof-of-stake is certainely better
than just letting miners choose; as you point out miners can always
choose to decrease the blocksize anyway so we only need a vote on
allowable increases. Proof-of-stake also clearly favors those who
actually have invested in Bitcoin over those who only talk about

I'll also say that while I know people will complain about putting
politics into a technical problem, as I keep saying, is *is* a political
issue. The limitations may be technical, but the ultimate issue is a
very political decision about what we want Bitcoin to be. Yes, there
will be people campaigning left and right to get users to vote for
various limits with their coins, deal with it. Democracy is messy.

Voting would take a lot of the nastier politics out of the situation,
perhaps somewhat ironically. It would quite clearly take control away
from the core development team, and the Bitcoin Foundation, and put it
back in the hands of the community; you can't argue conspiracy theories
that the Foundation is trying to control Bitcoin when there is a
completely transparent voting system in place. People will complain that
big Bitcoin players are throwing their weight around, but the blockchain
itself is a voting mechanism that is anything but 1 person = 1 vote.

Of course I wouldn't be the slightest bit surprised if users happily
vote themselves into something looking like a centralized PayPal
replacement in the long run, but at least if that happens the process by
which they get there will be transparent and relatively democratic.

> A vote will consist of a txout with a scriptPubKey of the following form:
> OP_RETURN magic vote_id txid vout vote scriptSig
> Where scriptSig is a valid signature for a transaction with nLockTime
> 500,000,000-1 spending txid:vout to scriptPubKey:
> OP_HASH160 H(OP_RETURN magic vote_id txid vout vote) OP_EQUAL

I just wanted to point out how general this mechanism is. Regardless of
what the scriptPubKey form is, standard, P2SH, multisig, whatever to
vote is to simply prove you could have spent the txout.

> vote_id is the ID of the specific vote being made, and magic is included to
> allow UTXO proof implementations a as yet unspecified way of identifying votes
> and including the weighted median as part of the UTXO tree sums. (it also
> allows SPV clients to verify the vote if the UTXO set is a Patricia tree of
> scriptPubKeys) vote is just the numerical vote itself.

Ah, you're assuming a direct Patricia tree. Keep in mind that
scriptPubKey's can be up to 10,000 bytes long, and an attacker can use
that (with 10,000 other txouts) to create some extremely deep trees. I
said on IRC a few days ago about how skeptical I am of implementing
consensus critical systems with such huge differences in average and
worst case, but I'll admit this is a decent use-case.

Having said that, proof to SPV clients leaves open the interesting
possibility that a third-party holding Bitcoins on your behalf can prove
that they voted according to your wishes, or even prove they voted
according to all their users wishes. Basically we'd add a rule for the
UTXO tree where a specific OP_RETURN form is included in the UTXO tree,
even though it is unspendable, and is removed from the tree if the
master txout is spent. Note that in this case by "prove they voted" we
mean the service actually taking the step of ensuring their vote was
recorded in the blockchain.

> The vote must compute
> the median, rather than the mean, so as to not allow someone to skew the vote
> by simply setting their value extremely high. Someone who still remembers 
> their
> statistics classes should chime in on the right way to compute a median in a
> merkle-sum-tree.

I think the definition of the median requires knowledge of all the points so
it'll have to be a separate sorted tree - kinda complex unfortunately if
you really do want to be able to do full proof to SPV clients. Maybe
just putting the hash of the overall results in the coinbase is enough
for now.

The term to google is "moving median" - looks complex.

> Of course in the future the voting mechanism can be used for additional votes
> with an additional vote_id. For instance the Bitcoin community could vote to
> increase the inflation subsidy, another example of a situation where the 
> wishes
> of miners may conflict with the wishes of the broader community.

Good idea on keeping the code general.

> For any given block actual limit in effect is then the rolling median of the
> blocks in the last year. At the beginning of every year the value considered 
> to
> be the status quo resets to the mean of the limit at the beginning and end of
> the interval.  (again, by "year" we really mean 52,560 blocks) The 

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Proposal: Vote on the blocksize limit with proof-of-stake voting

2013-06-09 Thread John Dillon
Hash: SHA256

On Mon, Jun 10, 2013 at 4:44 AM, Edmund Broadley  wrote:
> I really like this idea. I also like that users with no clue will leave
> their vote to the default chosen by the software developers, which hopefully
> will be 1MB. I like how coin age is factored in do votes are hopefully
> proportional to bitcoin assert ownership.

The default should *not* be set by wallets at all in fact. The default is that
by not voting, you accept the status quo, which is defined as the mean of the
old and new limits in the past year.

So lets say the limit is 1MB, and through voting it ends up at 2MB in one year.
Until that time by not voting you are in effect voting for the limit to be 1MB,
but after the next interval you not voting is equivalent to voting for a 1.5MB
limit. A subtle issue is then txout age, and at that point a 1.5 year old txout
should be like voting for the 1MB limit still, albeit weighted less. What you
don't want is your lack of vote to suddenly turn into a 1.5MB vote. This makes
sure that at all levels the increases are gradual rather than abrupt, although
the rate of increase may still be quite fast if the community votes that way.
(first derivative of the limit is a close approximation to a continuous
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Bitcoin-development mailing list

[Bitcoin-development] Proposal: Vote on the blocksize limit with proof-of-stake voting

2013-06-09 Thread John Dillon
Hash: SHA256

It has been suggested that we leave the decision of what the blocksize to be
entirely up to miners. However this leaves a parameter that affects every
Bitcoin participant in the control of a small minority. Of course we can not
force miners to increase the blocksize if they choose to decrease it, because
the contents of the blocks they make are their decision and their decision
only. However proposals to leave the maximum size unlimited to allow miners to
force us to accept arbitrarily large blocks even if the will of the majority of
Bitcoin participants is that they wish to remain able to validate the

What we need is a way to balance this asymetrical power relationship.

Proof-of-stake voting gives us a way of achieving that balance. Essentially for
a miner to prove that the majority will of the poeple is to accept a larger
blocksize they must prove that the majority has in fact voted for that
increase. The upper limit on the blocksize is then determined by the median of
all votes, where each txout in the UTXO set is one vote, weighted by txout
value. A txout without a corresponding vote is considered to be a vote for the
status quo. To allow the voting process to continue even if coins are "lost"
votes, including default votes, are weighted inversely according to their age
in years after 1 year. IE a vote with weight 1BTC that is 1.5 years old will be
recorded the same as a <1 year old vote weighted as 0.67BTC, and a 1 day old
and 6 months old UTXO are treated equivalently. The 1 year minimum is simply to
make voting required no more than once per year. (of course, a real
implementation should do all of these figures by block height, IE after 52,560
blocks instead of after 1 year)

A vote will consist of a txout with a scriptPubKey of the following form:

OP_RETURN magic vote_id txid vout vote scriptSig

Where scriptSig is a valid signature for a transaction with nLockTime
500,000,000-1 spending txid:vout to scriptPubKey:

OP_HASH160 H(OP_RETURN magic vote_id txid vout vote) OP_EQUAL

vote_id is the ID of the specific vote being made, and magic is included to
allow UTXO proof implementations a as yet unspecified way of identifying votes
and including the weighted median as part of the UTXO tree sums. (it also
allows SPV clients to verify the vote if the UTXO set is a Patricia tree of
scriptPubKeys) vote is just the numerical vote itself. The vote must compute
the median, rather than the mean, so as to not allow someone to skew the vote
by simply setting their value extremely high. Someone who still remembers their
statistics classes should chime in on the right way to compute a median in a

The slightly unusual construction of votes makes implementation by wallet
software as simple as possible within existing code-paths. Votes could still be
constructed even in wallets lacking specific voting capability provided the
wallet software does have the ability to set nLockTime.

Of course in the future the voting mechanism can be used for additional votes
with an additional vote_id. For instance the Bitcoin community could vote to
increase the inflation subsidy, another example of a situation where the wishes
of miners may conflict with the wishes of the broader community.

Users may of course actually create these specially encoded txouts themselves
and get them into the blockchain.  However doing so is not needed as a given
vote is only required to actually be in the chain by a miner wishing to
increase the blocksize. Thus we should extend the P2P protocol with a mechanism
by which votes can be broadcast independently of transactions. To prevent DoS
attacks only votes with known vote_id's will be accepted, and only for
txid:vout's already in the blockchain, and a record of txouts for whom votes
have already broadcast will be kept. (this record need not be authoritative as
its purpose is only to prevent DoS attacks) Miners wishing to increase the
blocksize can record these votes and include them in the blocks they mine as
required. To reduce the cost of including votes in blocks 5% of every block
should be assigned to voting only. (this can be implemented by a soft-fork)

For any given block actual limit in effect is then the rolling median of the
blocks in the last year. At the beginning of every year the value considered to
be the status quo resets to the mean of the limit at the beginning and end of
the interval.  (again, by "year" we really mean 52,560 blocks) The rolling
median and periodic reset process ensures that the limit changes gradually and
is not influenced by temporary events such as hacks to large exchanges or
malicious wallet software.  The rolling median also ensures that for a miner
the act of including a vote is never wasted due to the txout later being spent.

Implementing the voting system can happen prior to an actual hard-fork allowing
for an increase and can be an important part of determining if the