scott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> For anyone that's interested... here's a perl script to show how easy it is
> to exit-confirm.  Call this script in a term window when you want to
> exit, and it'll ask for a "Y" or an "N" (case insensitive) no is default,
> so hitting enter will not kill blackbox)
> Caveat:  It'll kill all blackbox instances that you own.
> #!/usr/bin/perl
> print "Really exit? (y/N): ";
> if (<STDIN> =~ m/y/i) { 
>       system('killall blackbox');
> }

Not platform independent:

[jschauma@becasse jschauma]$ uname  
[jschauma@becasse jschauma]$ killall
bash: killall: command not found
[jschauma@becasse jschauma]$ 

I believe you need to revert to the whole ps, kill, grep shebang that I
posted earlier as part of my .bbkeysrc



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