On 18 Sep 2023, at 15:49, 'Nathan Henrie' via Quicksilver wrote:

> Can anyone localize this change in behavior to a specific release? Trying to 
> narrow down the possibilities.
> I initially thought this might be from my change at 
> https://github.com/quicksilver/Quicksilver/commit/0a096e6d6c0f1709092c35af889daf842738b811
> It still could be, but I find it interesting that I am *not* seeing the 
> unusual behaviors that others are; for example my default action for 
> applications is still "open" (even though I can see Calculate lower in the 
> list). Others seem to have had "calculate" or "large type" become the default.
> I wonder if setting `kQSObjectDefaultAction` for file paths to "open" might 
> help?

That’s almost certainly what did it. The people who aren’t seeing this probably 
already had Calculate lower than open. Prior to the change, Calculate wouldn’t 
even be an option for files. But once it became an available action, if it was 
ranked higher than Open, it would suddenly be the default.

There’s nothing we can do for existing installs other than tell people to 
review their actions and order them according to their preferences, but for new 
installs, we just need to make sure Open has a higher default rank than 
Calculate, Large Type, etc.

As a general rule, whether it’s us devs assigning default ranks or users 
arranging their actions, the ones that apply to one type should be highest. For 
instance, it’s safe to put SSH at the top of the list because it never shows 
for anything other than Remote Hosts.

Rob McBroom

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