Randy McMurchy wrote:
> Alexander E. Patrakov wrote these words on 07/03/07 21:01 CST:
>> Randy McMurchy wrote:
>>> I install Xorg in /opt/X11R7.2.
>> OK, my objection to $XORG_PREFIX is invalidated by this.
> Note that the *first* paragraph in the 'X Window System Components'
> 'Configuring The X Window System' says this (which could easily
> confuse folks):
> ======================================================================
> If you've installed the X Window System in any prefix other than /usr,
> as the root user, add </usr/X11R6>/lib to the /etc/ld.so.conf file and
> run ldconfig. Additionally, while still the root  user, ensure
> </usr/X11R6>/bin and </usr/X11R6>/lib/pkgconfig  are added to your
> PATH and PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variables, respectively.
> Instructions for doing this are described in the section The Bash
> Shell Startup Files.
> =======================================================================
> IMO, it's wrong. It references /usr/X11R6, when that directory path
> isn't previously mentioned or referenced. Why just indiscriminately
> add this path? If X isn't installed there (or appropriate symlinks
> added), why add it?
> The explanation should be more precise about guiding folks that don't
> use /usr for the installation path.

That was my doing, and at the time it was deemed sufficient as both
XFree86 and Xorg-6.8.2 (IIRC) referenced that path and it is in
<replaceable> tags.  I'm surprised that it's went unnoticed this long. 
I had thought that all other /usr/X11R6 paths had been replaced by
<PREFIX>.  But a quick grep shows that the gaim.xml, gnopernicus.xml, 
and profile.xml pages also have references to /usr/X11R6, not enclosed
in <> replaceable tags.  Also, the lesstiff page can probably use a
rework to not include two sets of commands.  I'll look into them
tomorrow if somebody else doesn't get to them first.

-- DJ Lucas

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