>From science fiction to science fact, the pairing of man and machine has
always been at the forefront of our fears of what the technological
future might
have in store. But it has also been the basis of many of our conceptions
for dealing with the challenges of the future: efficient multi-medial
improved ecologically friendly transport and revolutionary medical
applications. After all, for every space villain there is a light sabre
ready to be
used to chop his head off.

Today's instances of the association between man and technology are
perhaps not as impressive to the jaded cinemagoer, but just as ambitious
for the impact
they could have on our daily lives. The focus, though, is perhaps not so
much on assimilation as it is on integration and usability European
have been carrying out wide-ranging testing of new wearable technology
with applications in a variety of fields and with the potential of
protecting and
even saving lives. The vital innovation is that the technology
facilitates a new form of human-computer interaction comprising small,
easily accessible
body-worn computers that are always on and always responsive.

If you have a desktop application, then there is always a screen, a
keyboard and a computer unit, but if you have a wearable computing
solution, then it
can be completely different," says Michael Lawo, technical manager of
the [EMAIL PROTECTED] project. "You can have speech control in one instance,
gesture control
in another, though the application should always be the same," he says.
The Open Wearable Computing Framework being developed essentially
comprises a central,
easily wearable and hardware-independent computing unit which gives
access to an ICT environment. Some of the basic components include
wireless communication,
positioning systems, speech recognition, interface devices, and
low-level software platforms or toolboxes allowing these features to
work together.

New paradigm

The pattern of this EU-funded project is woven as much out of
applications as it is technology. It uses a number of commercial,
off-the-shelf components
and brings them together to create a new tool with the potential to
revolutionise the way we work.

"Wearable computing is a completely new working paradigm," says Lawo.
"It is a technology which can support you in a particular environment.
Instead of
working at the computer, you are directly supported by the technology, a
bit like when you are driving a car and you get information from the
system supporting you in your primary tasks."

[EMAIL PROTECTED], the largest civilian wearable computing effort worldwide,
is currently being tested in four different fields. These include
aircraft maintenance,
emergency response, car production and healthcare. Pilot projects in the
areas of bush-fire prevention, e-inclusion and cultural heritage have
also recently
been launched.

In most cases, the technology is being applied to people who are not
accustomed to using computers at the workplace, such as blue-collar
workers. "The basic
idea was to make the technology available to the workers and directly
improve productivity," says Lawo.

"We address fields where there are no similar applications today. Take
the example of an aircraft technician. There is a person doing paperwork
who has
to find the relevant documentation on a computer. He has to find the
aircraft maintenance manual and the parts manual, and produce a
printout. These documents
are handed over to the technician who then goes to the aircraft to do
his work. He then has to write a report on a sheet of paper. And that is
the way
things work today. What we are doing is giving the worker support and
direct access to the ICT system from the workplace. We get rid of the

Working with fire

With a considerable number of applications potentially possible, perhaps
the most challenging test case for the project is the one involving
emergency response
teams, in collaboration with the Paris Fire Brigade. The technology
helps support the communication, collaboration and information processes
of rescue

The efficiency and safety of firemen can be considerably improved by a
number of light, easy-to-use and resistant devices, such as biosensors
their physiological condition and improved localisation of hazards,
personnel and retreat paths.

The technology has largely been well received by workers. "They
recognise that this is a new technology where you can monitor working
activities, but they
do not hesitate to use it, and they see the advantage of it," says Lawo.

Difficulties might nonetheless emerge in the future. "As soon as you
come to the actual introduction of the technology and start negotiating
with the unions,
privacy will undoubtedly be an issue," says Lawo.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] already has some 42 partners, including IT giants Microsoft,
Hewlett-Packard and Siemens, but Lawo says the project is always on the
for new ventures.

"Research will continue for components or for positioning systems. There
is a lot of further research that can be carried out, but you can
basically already
do quite a lot with the application and with the technology that already
exist," he confirms.

Testing is due to continue until mid-2008 and will be followed by an
initial 12-month period where the focus will shift to exploitation.
"What we really
want to do is introduce the system into everyday working methods," says

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