One more post and I'll dissapear . Just thought  of a television 
program. Now if I had $25-$35,0000 I'd find an older . say 1955 to say 
1982 car when they had real solid frames. then find a custom shop to  
rebuild  a car from the bottom =up.  I had read long ago about a woman 
who had an older Ford 9 passenger station wagon which her Dad had given 
them after their  third baby. Her husband agreed they could spend up to 
$20,000 to get a new station / family wagon. well she found I think it 
was three shops and between them they totally  restored her Dads gift. 
new engine  , frame was all repainted and  well a total rebuild. the 
only thing different from the original car  was the paint job and a 
better  stereo system and something   in the GPX  unit. and in the end 
she only spent just over $16,000. Lee

Suppose for a moment that the automobile industry had developed at the same
rate as computers and over the same period:  how much cheaper and more efficient
would the current models be?  If you have not already heard the analogy, the
answer is shattering.  Today you would be able to buy a Rolls-Royce for $2.75,
it would do three million miles to the gallon, and it would deliver enough
power to drive the Queen Elizabeth II.  And if you were interested in
miniaturization, you could place half a dozen of them on a pinhead.
                -- Christopher Evans

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