
There is a new version of Blink Qt with end-to-end OpenPGP encrypted file 
transfers support using MSRP push and pull methodologies. The files can be 
synced between multiple devices and downloaded also after Blink becomes online.

File transfers are interoperable with end-points that implement OMA RCS.07, 
including desktop clients like Linphone.


   * Added support for filetransfer messages
   * Added support for encrypting/decrypting MSRP file transfers
   * Added support for file encryption/decryption
   * Added support for displaying conference files
   * Added support for pull file transfers
   * Added HTTP download function
   * Added filepane content
   * Added replace function for chat messages
   * Added menuitem in chat to send files
   * Added unique name generator function
   * Support removing messages
   * Fixed displaying decryption error
   * Fixed parsing images in chat, they should be base64 encoded
   * Fixed traceback for incoming messages without disposition
   * Prevent traceback on PGPKeys load when there is no chat in the session
   * Several UI fixes
   * Python >= 3.10 fixes
   * Update help and release notes urls

To install or upgrade the software go to http://icanblink.com 

I wish to express my thanks to NLnet Foundation for helping us with funding the 
works for this development!


Attachment: signature.asc
Description: Message signed with OpenPGP

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