My local (Canadian) NGO pitch to investigate out duopoly providers' speeds...

my experiences to follow.

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Help me prove to Ottawa where the real Internet gaps are.


Are you ACTUALLY getting the Internet speeds you’re paying for — or are you
getting ripped off? 😡

When I found out the Internet speeds advertised on my plan weren’t a guarantee,
but actually just what my connection could get “up to”, I couldn’t believe it! 
1 I just did a performance test, and sure enough: I’m getting HALF of the 
speeds I’m meant to be.

Does your Internet measure up to what you’re paying for? You’ll never know
unless you check. Will you test your Internet performance right now?

 Internet Performance Test lets anyone with an internet connection test
how fast their connection is under real world conditions." 2

We’re partnering with the Canadian Internet Registration Authority (CIRA) to
help you check whether you’re getting what you pay for. In less than a minute,
CIRA’s Internet Performance Test tool gives you information you need to compare
your connection’s actual performance against the speed listed on your Internet
plan. That’s info you can use the next time you’re calling your provider to
renegotiate your plan — and it will contribute to holding Big Telecom’s feet to
the fire across the country, too. 3

Right now, our government is making decisions about which communities deserve
better Internet access based on a shoddy map of connectivity data. 4 If we let 
this faulty approach continue, swaths of us will be left

By testing your Internet speeds right now with CIRA’s tool, you’re also helping
build an accurate crowdsourced map of Internet access in Canada — made up of 
anonymized 5 REAL data from REAL people, not just the information Big Telecom 
chooses to share. If enough of us participate in building this map, we can hold 
our government
accountable to getting better & faster Internet into the hands of those who
ACTUALLY need it most.

Help us PROVE to Ottawa where Canada’s connectivity gaps are. Will you test 
your home Internet speeds right now?

 you for all that you do,

Erin at OpenMedia

P.S. Still have questions about CIRA’s Internet Performance Test (IPT) tool? 
Check out their handy FAQ here!


 1. CIRA statement on Bill C-299 to promote broadband advertising transparency 
 2. Internet Performance Test FAQ - CIRA
 3. How CIRA’s Internet Performance Test can help speed up rural broadband
    deployment - CIRA
 4. How Data Gaps (re)Make Rural Broadband Gaps - University of Guelph R2B2 
 5. See 2

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and participatory digital policy. This work depends on the support of people
like you. You can add your support by donating here

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