IETF 105 runs from July 20-27th in Montreal.

tsvwg meets thursday morning 10-12, and friday 12:20-

Remote attendance via videconferencing tools is straightforward. There
are of course dozens of other wg meetings of possible interest, in my
case, I'm still tracking babel's progress through the ietf, in
particular, and I always try to
check in on iccrg, also in case anything interesting comes up.

Since not all members of our mailing lists are on the relevant tsvwg
or tcpmwg  mailing lists, here are some drafts
from those working on the SCE front (I'm not, but I do read things)
for aqm and transport enhancements.

I would have liked it if the the actual scripts, & flent data files
were published and referenced in this last draft. (I think the
pictures were published on some other email thread (?), and I look
forward to the slides) My own
(eventual) contribution to this work might be on the wifi front, but
neither l4s or sce are baked enough yet to bother trying,
IMHO. My analysis of the battlemesh fq_codel + ecn over wifi data I
hope to finish this week, but I'll find an other outlet for
publication. (smallest subset of observations is that we can reduce
the codel target to 6ms on wifi networks that have powersave disabled,
and that serious 802.11e queue use still massively sucks. details to
come later)

There are many, many, many other drafts in progress in tsvwg, of note might be:

In addition to the perpetually revised l4s related ones.


Dave Täht
CTO, TekLibre, LLC
Tel: 1-831-205-9740
Bloat mailing list

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