Hi Stephanie,

> With respect to the startup network settings - I happen to find the dhcp a
> good thing. It lets me do the initial setup in my office more easily - do
> those up-front yum updates. 

Same here. I also have a DHCP server in my network and it makes things a lot 
easier and more convinient.

> If dhcp fails does the network dialog come up? If so I'd definitely say
> keep dhcp in future iso's. Even if not, then probably keep it.

The problem here is that the poll for the DHCP server takes a really long time 
to time out if there is no DHCP server. So I had to remove the DHCP check 
entirely to get around this for now.

So the dialogue for the network settings comes up regardless if you have DHCP 
or not. But if you *do*  have DHCP, you can simply hit return a few times, as 
the network dialogue starts with "use DHCP" pre-selected. 

So at the worst it adds a few extra keystrokes to the install.

With best regards

Michael Stauber
Blueonyx mailing list

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