I know this, but some programs read /web as web ... in other words not off the 
I just wondered if there was a way to ensure that when the user logs in they 
are taken to a specific folder by forcing it on the server, regardless. Not all 
my users are particularly IT savvy, so this would save some frustration;)


On 25 Jun 2012, at 18:20, Gerald Waugh wrote:

> On 06/25/2012 04:14 AM, Colin Jack wrote:
>> Am I able to set the default FTP upload folder for an individual user 
>> (rather than the user's home folder).
>> If so, where?
> Users that want to access the website instead of their personal web
> need to do "cd /web"
> Some ftp clients allow you to setup the client to access /web
> Gerald
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