Michael and Chuck,

No they did not have access to the server.  Just their port scan.

I blocked that port with iptables so... the scan should pass

I was dealing with these clown a few years back and their scans showed I had ports open that are only on windoz machines.

They are no different that the hackers pounding away at wordpress. I treat PCI people like threats.  They scan my server, I block them.

They have to find something (make something up) in order to justify their BS

What's sad is the client has no clue on what is going on and how the PCI people are taking them to the cleaners.  These are the same clients that think "finers1234" is a strong password so what can I say

Thanks all!


Hi Chuck,

They just port scan the IP, and look up what usually runs on that port.
I had some stuff running on odd-ball ports on the router in front of the
server.  Their port scan detected the ports, and refused to pass the PCI
Compliance until I shut it down.
That's how a PCI compliance check works, yeah. A trained monkey clicks a
button to launch the scan and then writes down which light (green,
yellow, red) it showed. In crayon - if he hasn't eaten it by then. ;-)

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