hey Greg, thanks for the answer!

I guess that what you mean with «at server level» is that there is a fresh dir 
in /home/webapps/roundcubemail/data/vendor/roundcube/plugin-installer/ with the 
date of the upgrade. Now how do I install the updated version from there to the 
customer's «site level»? I couldn't find any shell nor perl scripts to run...

There is a PluginInstaller.php in 
 but I can't access it from the web.

Or do I have to copy and overwrite 
/home/webapps/roundcubemail/data/vendor/roundcube/plugin-installer/src/bin/ to 
the corresponding site's ../web/roundcube/plugin-installer/src/bin/ ?

Thanks again

`-´      Meaulnes Legler
 Zurich, Switzerland
+41\0 44 260 16 60

On 25.09.18 10:44, Greg Kuhnert wrote:

The software update will download at a server level - however, users may have 
customised web apps at a per site level. In each site - you can install the 
updated version, and it will apply the newer version.


On 25 Sep 2018, at 6:32 pm, Meaulnes Legler @ MailList <bluel...@waveweb.ch 
<mailto:bluel...@waveweb.ch>> wrote:

hello again & *bump!* :-)

I was running RoundCube's version 1.2.4 and tried to upgrade it to version 1.3.7 
through the GUI: Software Updates > Third Party Software > [New Update] WHAM 
Module -- roundcubemail 1.3.7

After the successful update, the webmailer initially didn't start, but it did 
after a reboot. I noticed then in «About» that it's still version 1.2.4 which 
is running...

Do I have to additionally do something? There is a new dir in 
/home/webapps/roundcubemail/data/vendor/roundcube but it looks like it's for 
plugins only...

Thank you and best regards

`-´      Meaulnes Legler
 Zurich, Switzerland
+41\0 44 260 16 60

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