Hi Colin

What do you want to do with PDFs? As far as I know, BlueOnyx has no implemented pdf parser. But I have many experience with pdf-parsing with php. Take a look at FPDF or TCPDF. Also the packages "poppler-utils" has some useful binaries (ex. pdftotext to extract text from a pdf file) and ghostscript can be used to convert a pdf to a jpg or pdf file (can also be do with imagick, but ghostscript is much faster and better). binaries must be called with exec() or system().

I think for BlueOnyx pdf-parsing is off topic, but If you give more informations, I can maybe give you some tips. You can also contact me directly by mail if you want.


PS: pdf components needs updated php. The built-in pdf 5.6 in 5209R is too old (and for security reasons anyway a bad idea), so I hope you have php updated to at least php 7.2

Am 29.03.2023 um 22:22 schrieb Colin Jack:

We have a client on a 5209R who needs PDFparser for PHP.

Is this already installed or will I need to install it (and if so how? 😊)

Many thanks


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